
The New Hurst Village Society is currently organised by the following volunteers:

  • Committee Member

Gaby Hoekstra*

What’s On

I live with my husband and 2 daughters in Whistley Green. Have been in Hurst since 2005.
I’m an active member in the community. I have been part of the Preschool and subsequently the Primary School PTA. 
For many years I have been on the Hurst Show committee.

Pippa Boyd*

What’s On

Chartered engineer and academic. Orchard Road.  26 years in village. Has been involved with Horticultural Society, Church, guides and brownies, youth group, tennis club and pantomime 

Ivor Fiennes*

Acting Chairman

Retired, from a business background.  40+ years in Tape Lane – and a strong believer in the value that NHVS can bring to Hurst. 

Victor Boardman*


Small business owner who’s been living in the Hurst village since 2019 with three children at the school. Has been organising and supporting many of the wonderful events centred around Hurst.

Robin West*


I moved from Wokingham to Hurst in 2005 and have been active in the Village Society (mostly for magazine delivery, Archery and the Dinner Dance) most of the time since then. As a Chartered Accountant I inevitably ended up as Treasurer!

Rob Savage*

What’s On

A service manager in IT who brought the family to the village 15 years ago. I have been involved with dozens of events in the village. Let’s works to keep everyone involved in village activities, bringing people together. This will help strengthen the bonds among villagers and keep Hurst a great place to live. 

Richard Boyden*


I am Richard Boyden, a resident of Hurst since 2016 and the local area since 2007. I joined the Metropolitan Police in 2003 and am also a local business owner. I created my exterior cleaning business Richard of Hurst in 2017 and through my business I have built successful relationships with residents and businesses. I sponsor many local events like the Hurst Show and am a sponsor of Hurst Cricket Club. I have three daughters who attend St Nicholas School and the local secondary school Piggott. I am passionate about the village and keeping it safe and maintaining the rural charm that enticed me to move here. 

Tony Robinson*

Liaison – Observer for Hurst Parish Council

I am semi-retired and have lived in Hurst for over 45 years and been a Parish Councillor for 3 years. I have always taken a keen interest in village affairs.

Nick Willson*

Planning Group Member

Back in 1994, my wife and I landed in Hurst, ready to embrace village life and, as it turns out, raise three wonderful daughters. Over the years, I’ve led various committees including HVS, the St Nicholas Pre-School, and the St Nicholas Primary School Governors.  By day, I’ve worked in IT sales, helping customers in Telecoms, Media, Insurance, and Banking navigate their tech needs. These days, I’m living my long-overdue gap year — 40 years late, but hey, better late than never!

Clare Woodward

Planning Group Member

Russell Phillips

Planning Group Member

A semi-retired business owner and keen pilot/aviation enthusiast. Living within the Hurst Parish and keen to help out and contribute towards keeping the village and the surrounding area a great place to live.

Anja Lamond

What’s On

I work in technology and have been living in the heart of the village since 2019, together with my husband and daughter. I enjoy the community-focused lifestyle here in Hurst and look forward to contributing to the NHVS.

Jacqui Watts

What’s On – Newsletter

I am retired from paid work, but keep busy by volunteering with the ambulance service, attending 999 calls as a Community First Responder. We generally arrive ahead of the ambulance crews and mostly cover the local area – Hurst, Twyford, Woodley etc.